It's time to

meet you

Discovering who you are is enlightening, and knowing what to do with that information in the professional world is truly life-changing.

Take our in-depth personality assessment, and engage with iNOMEE® to figure out how to harness your results.

Why inomee is the secret tool of successful people

Pick your inomee plan


What you get:

Everything DiSC®
Your ultimate personality test
powered by 40 years of research

Understand how to harness your emotional intelligence for greater performance

Knowhow 90
1.5 hours of dedicated, personalised guidance with our experts



What you get:

Everything DiSC®
Your ultimate personality test
powered by 40 years of research

Understand how to harness your emotional intelligence for greater performance

Knowhow 90
1.5 hours of dedicated, personalised guidance with our experts


Jet Pack

What you get:

Everything DiSC®
Your ultimate personality test
powered by 40 years of research

Understand how to harness your emotional intelligence for greater performance

Knowhow 90
1.5 hours of dedicated, personalised guidance with our experts



What you get:

Everything DiSC®
Your ultimate personality test
powered by 40 years of research

Understand how to harness your emotional intelligence for greater performance

Knowhow 90
1.5 hours of dedicated, personalised guidance with our experts


Our Products

Our DiSC test is powered by 40+ years of research and, on average, delivers results with over 90% accuracy and 95% satisfaction rate.

EQ is important! Research shows that people who are more emotionally intelligent improve their work performance by 20%.

Knowhow 90 allows our experts give you 1.5 hours of dedicated, undivided attention and personalised guidance.


All our plans come with extremely valuable tools such as podcasts that are personalised for you, video content, and more.

Who's who?

Getting to know you

You know your name, age, profession, and such but knowing yourself goes deeper than that. Holding up a mirror to your inner self starts here, it’s time you recognised what makes you tick and how to harness it for your benefit.

Getting to know us

We’re experts in the field of psychometric testing, corporate training and professional mentoring. Wait, there’s more! We’ve partnered with Wiley so you can access the world’s greatest personality assessment framework.

Everything DiSC®

DiSC® Experience 25+ page document (assessment results) includes:

Your DiSC® Style – You will learn:

  • The basics of the DiSC model
  • Your DiSC style
  • What your style says about you

Your Drivers – You will learn:

  • Your workplace priorities
  • Your workplace motivators
  • Your workplace stressors
  • Strategies to be more effective at workplace

You and Other Styles– You will learn:

  • The workplace priorities of other styles
  • How well you might relate to those priorities
  • Your similarities and differences

Build Better Relationships– You will learn:

  • How to be more effective with each DiSC style
  • How to solve problems when working with each
  • DiSC style
  • How to manage tension with each DiSC style

Personalised Style Index – You will learn:

  • Overview of all 12 existing styles

Action Planning – You will learn:

  • Putting the learning into motion in three simple steps


Agile EQ Experience includes:

Your EQ Strengths – You will learn:

  • EQ strengths or mindsets that guide your interactions
  • Benefits and challenges associated with your mindsets
  • Ways your mindsets influence your responses

Beyond Your Comfort Zone – You will learn:

  • EQ mindsets outside your comfort zone
  • Benefits of stretching to these mindsets
  • Effort required to stretch to these mindsets
  • Map of all 8 mindsets and their characteristics

Develop Your EQ – You will learn:

  • Steps to stretch to EQ mindsets outside of your comfort zone – beginner step, intermediate step and advance step.
  • Internal resistance you may need to overcome to stretch

Personalised Style Index – You will learn:

  • Overview of all 12 existing styles

Action Planning – You will learn:

  • Putting the learning into motion in three simple steps

Knowhow 90

What is Knowhow 90?

90 minutes of personalised guidance with our experts, helping you put together an action plan full of practical strategies. Nobody achieves greatness by themselves, there’s always a coach on the sidelines or a mentor in the background.

It’s time to meet yours so you can start tackling your challenges, and become the best ‘you’ in the workplace.