Inomee® is a program built by professionals to help people achieve their career goals. With self-awareness and psychometric assessment at the core, the program begins with a DiSC test (powered by 40+ years of research) which provides you with the base layer of in-depth data about yourself. This is supplemented by personalised guidance in the form of EQ, Knowhow 90 and more.
What is Everything DiSC®?
Everything DiSC® is a personal development learning experience used by millions of people every year to help improve performance, communication, and productivity in the workplace.
Everything DiSC® measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. Fuelled by 40 years of research this simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D: Dominance, i: Influence, S: Steadiness, C: Conscientiousness and 8 tendencies (Action, Enthusiasm, Collaboration, Support, Stability, Accuracy, Challenge, Results) and serves as a key to deepen understanding of yourself and others.
Placing yourself and others on the DiSC® map will give you strategies on how to positively influence others, leverage your executive presence, win people over, turn conflict into a productive discussion, get people’s buy-in, improve your work performance, and ultimately achieve your work and career ambitions.
Embedding strategies from DiSC® is a transformative experience that builds success and confidence.
This improved understanding helps you overcome challenges and enables you to have healthier conversations with your loved ones, colleagues and clients.
Having a deeper understanding of what makes people tick (not just you, others around you too!), gives you X-Ray vision, sort of. Imagine yourself in a meeting with your colleagues, with Inomee knowledge by your side, you’ll be able to recognise the different traits and personality types around the table. You’ll know how to speak with each person in order to get the best out of them or to make sure your thoughts are heard and appreciated. There are countless scenarios where Inomee will be your ally, from interviews and meetings to social gatherings and conflicts.
DiSC® examines and measures the different dimensions of your personality. It’s a tool for dialogue and discovery, not diagnosis. You’ll figure out what makes you tick and how your patterns of behaviour could be affecting your performance. From overcoming challenges and navigating the rules of a workplace, you’ll gain an insight into your tendencies and preferences, which often lead to several ‘lightbulb moments’. It’s about building a definitive picture of who you are and how you operate, so you can use this information to excel professionally and personally.
Everything DiSC has a 95% satisfaction rating and a 90% accuracy rating from learners around the globe.
Our online DiSC assessments use the most advanced assessment method (adaptive testing) and sophisticated algorithms to quickly analyse a person’s responses and deliver the most precise feedback possible.
The biggest benefit of computerized adaptive testing (AT) is a more precise measurement—increased personalisation based on this greater precision and accuracy leads to a more accurate profile. Assessment takers see all of their priorities reflected in their Everything DiSC feedback, even if they prioritise things that aren’t typical for their styles.
If you want to learn more about the science behind DiSC please download: Everything-DiSC-Theory Research
Powered by 40+ years of research, each Everything DiSC® personality assessment combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant. These insights lay the groundwork for a personalised experience rich with “A-ha!” moments that inspire behaviour change.
Made up of a detailed 25+ page document which is designed to deepen self-understanding through the DiSC® model. The profile allows people to gain important insight into their own preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others, and receive actionable strategies to help them improve their performance.
A suite of follow-up resources means that behaviour change in the workplace will actually last, rather than fading with time. We always recommend the Knowhow 90 (90 minutes of one-to-one personalised guidance) so that you have a blueprint for your newfound knowledge about yourself.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (commonly known as Wiley) is a worldwide leader in academic publishing that has existed for over 200 years. Wiley’s family of products includes educational tools for undergraduate, graduate, and professional development students. One of their most famous tools is the Everything DiSC® series of assessments (which takes advantage of many different assessment types).
And guess what? Wiley was the first company to publish a DiSC Assessment in 1970 (Personal Profile System ®), so there’s no doubt they know what they’re talking about!
© Inomee - All rights reserved
90 minutes of personalised guidance with our experts, helping you put together an action plan full of practical strategies. Nobody achieves greatness by themselves, there’s always a coach on the sidelines or a mentor in the background.
It’s time to meet yours so you can start tackling your challenges, and become the best ‘you’ in the workplace.
Your EQ Strengths – You will learn:
Beyond Your Comfort Zone – You will learn:
Develop Your EQ – You will learn:
Personalised Style Index – You will learn:
Action Planning – You will learn:
Your DiSC® Style – You will learn:
Your Drivers – You will learn:
You and Other Styles– You will learn:
Build Better Relationships– You will learn:
Personalised Style Index – You will learn:
Action Planning – You will learn: